HypnOptic is distributed as DOOMTROOPERWARE: if you like it, or if you use it, you should send one or more Doomtrooper cards to my daughter:
Lucilla Guendalina Moliterno
v. Luserna di Rora' 23
10139 Torino
Cards from expansions (Inquisition, Warzone, Mortificator, Golgotha, Apocalypse, Paradise Lost and futures…) are welcome, as well as entire collections!!! By sending Italian cards you will make my daughter happy, but any language is good!
The little girl may accept even Dark Eden cards (but Doomtrooper are preferred).
HypnOptic 1.1.0 can also be included, without my previous permission, without changes and with its documentation, in all CD-ROM or disk shareware collections and in all CD-ROM or Disk magazines (anyway an e-mail or a notice will be welcome, as well as a copy of the magazine or media :-).
HypnOptic 1.1.0 may not be included in a commercial package without my permission.
The HypnOptic 1.1.0 package contains two version of the application:
√...HypnOptic 1.1.0 (68K) for 68K Macs or, in emulation, for Power Macs.
√...HypnOptic 1.1.0 (PPC) for Power Macs.
HypnOptic is the mad, acid, savescreen application that will drive you crazy if you watch it carefully...HypnOptic has three way for running:
Classic Hypnoptic (achievable by Hot Key): the savescreen responsible for, always living, HypnOpticMania.
Standard Hypnoptic: based on Classic version with some additional graphic element. It may, casually, use RGB Colors and patterns, in addition to Classic QuickDraw.
OloPpat (achievable by Hot Key): this version uses patterns for creating a simple, but nice, savescreen.
Moreover any version can play sounds, if you want.
HypnOptic requires at least System 7 to run.
If you open HypnOptic holding down Shift key, then Classic Hypnoptic starts. This is the old and well-known version that uses only Classic QuickDraw.
By opening HypnOptic normally you can achieve Standard Hypnoptic: it's almost similar to Classic version but creates a little draft before chessboard drawing. In addition each time a drawing loop starts, it chooses, as background, among Classic QuickDraw colors, RGB colors and patterns. If patterns aren't available then HypnOptic chooses only between Classic QuickDraw and RGB colors. If Color QuickDraw isn't available then Classic Hypnoptic starts.
If you open HypnOptic holding down Command key, then OloPpat starts. This is a totally new version of application, it fills your screen with patterns using only some transition effect between patterns. If patterns aren't available then OloPpat shows a simple white screen. If Color QuickDraw isn't available, then Classic Hypnoptic starts.
When you open HypnOptic holding down Control key then it searches, inside itself, for 'snd ' resources to play continuosly while it's drawing. Note: HypnOptic picks a sound casually, but then plays the same sound as long as is running (very very hypnotic, believe me...).
If at least one 'snd ' resource doesn't exist, HypnOptic continue normally.
Very important!!
HypnOptic searches patterns inside a control panel named "Desktop Pictures", if this file doesn't exist then it searches inside itself. If patterns don't exist inside itself, simply it continues without them! Since HypnOptic open any file named "Desktop Pictures" you may add your personal patterns file, into controls folder, naming it "Desktop Pictures" (and renaming the original "Desktop Pictures", if existing). If you want to add (and read) patterns inside HypnOptic itself, but you have the control "Desktop Pictures" installed, you should remove it or else rename it.
To install or remove patterns and sounds you may use ResEdit or else 37thResEx 2.0.0, a shareware application of mine.
To achieve the about box stop HypnOptic by mouse click.
-Why HypnOptic is not a Control Panel?
a cdev always occupies memory but an applications only while is running. So I've written HypnOptic as application.
-It is possible to automate the HypnOptic launch?
No, you can launch it only by double-click.
Stop. Enjoy.
√…Carla "The Stylist" Bidone.
√…Lucilla Guendalina "The Leader" Moliterno.
√…Mark Nagata for bug discovery, in version 1.0.
√…Fabrizio Oddone for bug discovery, in version 1.0.
√…Theresa London, for grammatical suggestion (don't worry, if my english is always poor, my italian is worse...).
Author's note:
My software development group is made up by: me :-/
On the other hand, my beta-tester group is made up by: me :-(
This means that if you find a bug, both developer and beta-tester groups would greatly appreciate your reporting ;-)
Version history:
1.1.0: PPC version. RGB colors. Patterns. Mouse moved handling. Added some graphic effect. Added async sounds. Added OloPpat savescreen. Added "Classic HypnOptic" option. Changed desktop icon. AppleScript support. Changed E-Mail. Changed Web page address. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Whole code revisited.
1.0.3: Updated e-mail address. Updated info window.
1.0.2: Some QuickDraw's parameter changed to improve aesthetic effect. Added the possibility to stop HypnOptic during the chessboard drawing.
1.0.1: Some part code changed for better aesthetic results. Corrected a little bug.
1.0.0 : 22-12-1994 First release.
Disclaimer of Warranty.
This software is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed. When using it you assume all responsibility for any damages caused, directly or indirectly, by its use. Also registering this software doesn’t give you the right to require extra services (bug fixing, special assistance, the latest version on disk, and so on): you should register only because you think the program you’re using now is worth the requested fee.